Smart manufacturing software provider Valuechain joins the MTC to work in partnership with NCAM
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Smart manufacturing software provider Valuechain joins the MTC to work in partnership with NCAM

Valuechain, a provider of smart manufacturing software, has joined the MTC to work alongside the National Centre for Additive Manufacturing (NCAM) to evaluate and develop their DNAam and iQapture software solutions.

Valuechain provides smart manufacturing software to create world-class supply chains, through delivering modular ERP solutions for advanced manufacturing sectors and supply chain intelligence solutions that improve manufacturing productivity, streamline inter-company collaboration, and generate business intelligence. Their solutions are developed alongside global manufacturing businesses of all sizes and commodities, to create innovative software solutions to industry issues.

DNAam is Valuechain’s additive manufacturing production control software, which manages AM build planning and provides complete material traceability, with batch splitting, control of blending and powder recovery management. DNAam embeds best practice AM production processes to standardise and scale additive manufacturing throughout supply chains. NCAM will be testing Valechain’s DNAam and iQapture software solutions in the pilot production environment at the MTC. By joining the MTC, Valuechain will be able to demonstrate to companies looking to industrialise AM how their solutions can manage the workflow of the Metal Powder Bed Fusion Process.

Jim Walters, Managing Director of DNAam, commented

“The MTC is leading the way in terms of research, raising awareness, and enabling scalability of additive manufacturing. Through this partnership, and embedding or DNAam platform with the incredible projects the MTC are working on, we believe we can drive a real change in the manufacturing landscape, helping to close the skills gap and improve adoption of AM.”

Find out more about ValuechainDNAam and iQapture.

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