Quality Data Framework for AM
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Quality Data Framework for AM


CRP year




Project Reference No.


Technical Lead

Mostafizur Rahman

AM process & materials used

Focussed on metal powder bed fusion (material independent)



The aim of this project was to develop and demonstrate a knowledge framework for the flow of data and knowledge associated with the quality of AM and processes. The vision is that the use of digital technologies for knowledge generation and the seamless flow of information will enable the process to be matured faster to the point where the process reliably achieves conforming product

This project aimed to identify sources of data generated throughout the entire AM build process chain. It included powder manufacturing, powder characterisation, design, build preparation, build process, in-situ inspection, post-processing and inspection. It identified links between these data streams and quality, and enabled development of a quality data framework.



If you are a member you can access the deliverables of this project here.