NCAM | National Centre for Additive Manufacturing
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Completed R&D projects

NCAM is involved in a wide range of projects that help develop understanding and application of AM and its related technologies. Whilst much of our work direct with industry is confidential (some examples are provided in the Case Studies section), details of the work we do collaboratively with other partners through other funding streams is more sharable, which are summarised in this section.

Regarding publicly-funded projects, the NCAM leads and is involved in numerous projects that involve different partners and collaborators enabling tackling of bigger challenges than those that could be solved alone. Given the development needs and potential of AM, we are continually bidding for new projects, so get in touch if you’d like to be a part of a collaborative project with us.

In addition, the MTC have a membership model which provides a mechanism for closer working with some companies. Part of the membership fees are used to fund a Core Research Programme (CRP) which is match-funded by government to provide a significant budget to carry out mutually-beneficial research projects. There are two rounds of projects per year (March and October) with project topics ultimately decided through member voting. A steering group is subsequently formed for each project to guide the work through to completion typically with a duration of 1 year.

More details on the AM-related projects carried out through both of these activities are provided at the pages below.

Publicly funded collaborative projects

Core Research Programme